General Information pursuant to Art. 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act
- BMA Brandstätter Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Modecenterstraße 17, 1110 Wien
- Tel. +43 1 535 16 30
Fax +43 1 535 16 30 40
e-mail: - Company Register Number FN 275004v at Commercial Court of Vienna
- —
- Vienna Bar Association, Austria
Act on Attorneys-at-Law (RAO) and Directives for Professional Exercise of Austrian Lawyers (RL-BA) accessible on
(in German only) - VAT number: ATU 62356612
Disclosure pursuant to Art. 25 (2) Austrian Media Act
Object of company: law firm
Managing director: Dr. Jürgen Brandstätter
Shareholders holding shares of more than 25 % in the share capital: Dr. Jürgen Brandstätter
Declaration pursuant to Art. 25 (4) Austrian Media Act
Principal Orientation: presentation of BMA Brandstätter Rechtsanwälte GmbH as well as of current legal questions. This website is directed to clients and lawyers as well as to all other persons interested in legal matters.